
18 May 2023

This morning I found a dead House Sparrow (huismus) at my doorstep

Dead House Sparrow
Passer domesticus


On the morning of Ascension Day I found a dead male House Sparrow at my doorstep. Death is inevitable. Death is part of the natural cycle of life. So House Sparrows must die one day too, or so to speak go to heaven. But, I have never seen a dead House Sparrow, certainly not at my doorstep. What happened? What is the cause of death? Old age? A cat? Attacked by a bird of prey? Flew into a window? Sick? A virus infection? Why precisely at my doorstep? I couldn't see any blood or damage. The cause of death remains a mystery! He doesn't belong in the garbage bin, so we respectfully buried the bird in our garden. That too is part of the natural cycle of life. He was part of a group of house sparrows daily visiting our garden to search for breadcrumbs. The other group members seem to be happy as always. I enjoy their company every day.

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